
Explore selected parks

Selected parks in Denmark

  • Viuf and Håstrup Solar Park is an iconic renewable energy project near Kolding and Vejle. Collaboration and strong commitment from the municipality and local organisations made it possible to combine a large-scale solar park with both local infrastructure and initiatives to support climate and biodiversity.

  • Radsted-Grænge Solar Park will contribute with more than green energy. Located in Guldborgsund Municipality in the southern parts of Denmark, the park will feature nature and recreational initiatives for the local residents and wildlife to enjoy.

  • This renewable energy park in southern Zealand in Denmark will contribute with more than adding new green energy to the electricity grid. It will also help reduce CO2 emissions by restoring carbon-rich lowlands to wetlands.

  • Saltø Solar Park is planned near Saltø Å on Zealand in eastern Denmark. It will contribute with green energy to the electricity grid and supporting the green transition. Strong collaboration with Næstved Municipality has been key.

  • Badskær Solar Park is located in the north of Denmark. It is adding green energy to the electricity grid as well as creating new nature areas that benefits the local nature. The project is a great example of how companies of all sizes can act on the green transition agenda.

Selected parks in Poland

  • Chociwel Solar Park is located in the northwestern part of Poland. It is a great example on how collaborative efforts with nature experts can result in a solar park supporting wildlife in the local area.

  • The park near Nidzica is one of largest solar parks in Poland. It is also one of the biggest solar investments in Poland. Now it contributes to power the green transformation for local PPA partners.

  • Postomino Solar Park in northern Poland is a great example of areas used to produce renewable energy can also support local nature. Wasps, beetles and butterflies live in the solar park along with several hundreds other species.

Selected parks in Sweden

  • Lidköping Solar Park is located in Sweden's Västra Götaland region. It contributes to the region's renewable energy capacity and can help power local businesses.

  • Studsvik is one of Sweden's largest solar parks. It is located southeast of Stockholm. The project design is the result of a strong collaboration between Nyköbing Municipality, authorities in Södermanland region and Studsvik Tech Park, owned by Studsvik Nuclear AB.