01 October 2024

Fraugde Solar Park Now Produces Green Energy for Carlsberg, Semler Group and Marius Pedersen A/S

Through Power Purchase Agreements with Better Energy, the three companies contributed to establishing a new solar park on the island of Funen. Now grid-connected, the solar park is expected to deliver green electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of nearly 51,000 Danes.

Better Energy’s Fraugde Solar Park has been connected to the Danish electricity grid. The newly established solar park is expected to produce 81 GWh of green energy annually, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of nearly 51,000 Danes. Over 136,000 solar panels have been installed at the solar park that spans 74-hectares in Odense Municipality.

Danish companies contribute to a greener grid

Carlsberg, Semler Group and Marius Pedersen A/S, contributed to the new solar park through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with Better Energy. Each company will now offtake renewable energy form the Fraugde solar park.

At Carlsberg, there is excitement about contributing to the green transition:

"The new solar park is an important step in delivering on our sustainability program, Together Towards ZERO and Beyond, where Carlsberg’s brewery in Fredericia must be CO2-neutral by 2030 at the latest. Therefore, we need to electrify our beer production and transition to renewable energy sources. At the same time, we are pleased that Carlsberg can contribute to adding more green electricity to the Danish grid," says Tenna Skov Thorsted, Senior Sustainability Manager at Carlsberg Danmark.

Better Energy is seeing companies increasingly choose to use their electricity purchases as part of their own climate goals, says Mikkel Thorup Senior Director of Power Purchase Agreements, adding:

“Carlsberg, Semler Group, and Marius Pedersen A/S have ambitious climate goals and understand the significant difference they can make through their electricity purchases. By sourcing part of their electricity from a new solar park, they are acting on their visions and actively contributing to promoting the green transition in Denmark.”

Marius Pedersen A/S’ Chief Innovation Officer, Jens Mortensen, also sees the solar park at Fraugde as an important contribution to the green transition. "This PPA is an important supplement to the solar capacity we are setting up on our own buildings and facilities, and it will prepare us for the continued electrification of our vehicle fleet, thereby supporting our climate strategy.”

Companies of all sizes can choose to offtake all or part of their electricity consumption through PPAs. The list of companies purchasing electricity from the Fraugde Solar Park shows that both large and smaller energy consumers can help drive the green transition.

Part of Odense Municipality's ambitious climate plan

When Better Energy develops new solar parks, it's important that the park is integrated and rooted in the local area. The Fraugde Solar park is a good example of successfully combining the opportunity to add new green energy to the grid in a location where it's locally needed. The new green electricity also contributes to Odense Municipality's climate plan, 'Climate Neutral 2030'.

74 Hectares without fertilisers and pesticides

The solar park is named after the nearby estate, Fraugdegaard, and is located about 10 km southeast of Odense, between the towns of Fraugde to the north and Birkum to the south. The land used for the solar park has been removed from agricultural use, and grass has been planted instead. This will allow the landscape to recover from the use of fertilisers and pesticides which are no longer used in the area.

In the northern part of the park, there is a nature area that includes both forest and wetlands. Green hedges around the solar park will provide visual screening once they have grown in a few years.


Media Inquiries

Christian Bergmann Mølgaard | Better Energy | VP, Head of Communications | +45 26 71 36 34 |

